TradePending TV

Just Because You Can “Do Video” By Yourself, Doesn’t Mean You Should

In a world of auto-responders, canned emails, automated texts, and scripted voicemails, using video in the car buying process is such a different experience that it grabs your customers’ attention. 



Should you pick up your phone and start sending videos right now? Slow your roll.

True, doing some video is better than doing no video, but there are 3 main reasons why you should be using a video platform instead of personal devices.

  1. How in the heck will you know what your team is sending, and if it adheres to your training and processes? Simple answer. You won’t.
  2. If you plan to review & report on what the team is sending, you’re gonna need those videos in your CRM. Video platforms make that super simple. Asking a rep to upload their videos manually into a CRM? Ha!
  3. Compliance is boring, until it isn’t. If your team is sending videos shot from their phone directly to a customer, they are violating the Telephone Communication Protection Act with each message they send. At a minimum $500 per message, that’s gonna add up really quick.  Is that risk worth the couple hundred bucks a month in cost savings? 

Bonus reason! Wouldn’t it be nice to get notified when your customers are watching the videos, so your team knows when to re-engage? That’s not gonna happen with a personal phone, but is out-of-the-box goodness with a video platform.




How do features such as video integration with CRM systems and real-time viewer notifications enhance dealership operations and customer engagement?

Video platforms offer enhanced team oversight and performance monitoring compared to personal devices. Integrating with CRM systems, video platforms enable seamless tracking and reporting of video interactions, allowing managers to review and analyze team performance. Additionally, video platforms provide features such as real-time viewer notifications, which alert team members when customers watch their videos. This enhances customer engagement and allows for timely follow-up, improving overall dealership operations and customer satisfaction.


What are the key challenges associated with using personal devices, such as phones, to send videos in the car buying process, and how do video platforms address these challenges?

Using personal devices, such as phones, to send videos in the car buying process poses several challenges that video platforms address. One key challenge is ensuring consistency and adherence to dealership training and processes. With personal devices, it’s difficult to monitor and control the content of the videos sent by team members. Video platforms offer centralized control and oversight, allowing managers to ensure that videos align with training standards and messaging guidelines.