Case Studies

Hubler Ford Franklin Grosses 32k in One Month with Offer

Offer by TradePending

The Challenges

Alex McQueary and his team at Hubler Ford Franklin were looking for a way to move customers further down the funnel towards a trade-in, giving them a single price offer. The catch: there was no solution available that enabled them to maintain control of that process. No software on the market allowed them to customize the questions they ask consumers when valuing their car, nor to adjust deductions to match their local market conditions and buying strategy.

“We understand that the market is crazy right now,” comments McQueary about the summer of 2021, “but sourcing quality used cars is always a top priority for us. We needed a way to deliver accurate single price offers that we could control, and an alternative for consumers to sell their vehicle without the pressure of replacing it.”

TradePending Buying Platform

The Right Approach For Used-Car Inventory Sourcing

Working with their Regional Sales Manager Julie Woolwine, they implemented Offer by TradePending, alongside a thoughtful sales approach.

Instead of asking consumers dozens of questions about their vehicle, they opted for a briefer process, focusing on the items most important to them when reconditioning a vehicle. They also adjusted the corresponding deductions to be more aggressive. This allowed Hubler to offer very competitive offers, driving more conversations and conversions. 

“The fact that Offer is customizable is fabulous,” continues McQueary. “Being quick and easy for customers, and for our setup, is the real value.”

They paired the technology with their existing marketing and training approach. When handling in-bound leads for trades, Hubler Ford Franklin coaches their staff to focus on the trade-in instead of selling a new car. They also directed their marketing efforts towards driving shoppers to their custom “Sell to us” landing page

Results with Offer

“We made a pile of money,” McQueary bluntly states. “I had my doubts. Not about the technology, but as a whole these programs are only as effective as we make them. There are no 3rd party leads with this approach, so it’s on us to generate interest and traffic and on a shoestring budget at that. Offer plus our team proved to be a strong one-two punch. 64% of these leads came from our “Sell to us” landing page in June, with all trade-in leads closing at 12%.”

After evaluating the leads and offers coming through Offer, Hubler Ford Franklin grossed over $32,000, front and back, on just four vehicles

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McQueary continues, “Sure, there’s an element of the current market at play here, but we were blown away by the results. Of the cars we’re buying, a large chunk of them are from outside our market. They’re willing to drive for a great deal, and we’re willing to give it to them. If we couldn’t customize the questions we ask consumers, nor the deductions related to those questions, we wouldn’t be seeing these results. Offer is an excellent product.” 

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