TradePending TV

Do Dealership Videos Increase Customer Engagement?

In a world cluttered with auto-responders, canned emails, and scripted text messages, does including video in those formats increase engagement when trying to sell and service cars?

In order to answer that question, we need some benchmark data. The average email open rate is around 25-30%, with a click through rate of 5% and a reply rate of around 1%. Shout out to Reunion Marketing for their stats on email.

If you had a way to double (or triple) that engagement rate, essentially doubling the amount of brand exposure, content consumption, messages received and understood, you’d do that, right? 

You can, and incorporating video into those communication mediums is how you do it. Including a personalized video doubles, triples, quadruples your engagement rates with your buyers and customers.

Check out these stats from May 2024.

  • An Infiniti store in Tulsa, OK sent 251 videos to buyers and 131 of those buyers watched the video, a whopping 53% engagement rate. 
  • A BMW store in Ocala, FL sent 498 videos and 247 watched the video, a 54% engagement rate. 
  • A Porsche store in FL sent 255 videos and 147 people watched the video, an astonishing 68% watch rate. 

If you’re not including video in your outbound communications to customers, it’s time to start, because if you’re not, your competition is.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does including video in emails, text messages, or auto-responders increase engagement?

Yes, including video significantly increases engagement. Personalized videos can double, triple, or even quadruple engagement rates with buyers and customers.

What are the benchmark statistics for email engagement?

The average email open rate is around 25-30%, with a click-through rate of 5% and a reply rate of approximately 1%. These benchmarks provide a baseline for evaluating the impact of video integration.

How can video improve these engagement rates?

Including personalized video in emails, text messages, and auto-responders can dramatically increase engagement rates. This results in higher brand exposure, content consumption, and better communication with customers.

Are there any real-world examples of increased engagement rates using video?

Yes, here are some examples from May 2024:

  • An Infiniti store in Tulsa, OK sent 251 videos to buyers, with 131 of those buyers watching the video, resulting in a 53% engagement rate.
  • A BMW store in Ocala, FL sent 498 videos, with 247 views, achieving a 54% engagement rate.
  • A Porsche store in FL sent 255 videos, with 147 views, leading to an astonishing 68% watch rate.

Why should dealerships start using video in their communications?

Incorporating video into outbound communications significantly boosts engagement rates and helps dealerships stand out from their competition. If a dealership isn’t using video, they risk falling behind competitors who are already leveraging this powerful tool.

What types of communications should include video?

Dealerships should consider including personalized videos in emails, text messages, and auto-responders to maximize engagement with potential buyers and existing customers.

What impact can doubling or tripling engagement rates have on a dealership’s performance?

Doubling or tripling engagement rates can lead to increased brand exposure, higher content consumption, more messages received and understood by customers, and ultimately, better sales and service outcomes for the dealership.