TradePending TV

3 Tips for Better Communication

Today’s tips are my favorite best practices for writing a follow-up email or script.



Both marketers and sales people love to talk and write a lot. They try to cram everything they ever wanted to say into a single point of communication.


This is a bad approach because 1) nobody is ever going to read or listen to that much information 2) People will usually only remember or hear one thing.


Less. Is. More.


Here are my three best practices for post-conversation follow-up.


First – BLUF – B L U F – Bottom Line Up Front. Get to the point immediately. If this person can only remember one thing about your follow-up it better be the first thing you communicate.


Two – as we’ve mentioned before – make it about what they want / not what you want. Put yourself in their shoes and give them no more than three additional bits of information that is helpful to their buying journey, not your selling process.


Three – Close with a question. This helps keep the conversation going.


Got something to share? Drop us a comment with what you’ve seen work best in your customer communication