
Fire Pit Chat with David Kain

WEBINAR – October, 28 2020

Fire Pit Chat featuring Guest Speaker David Kain, President of Kain Automotive

TradePending asked David Kain to get warm and join us around the fire pit to chat about the important and day to day issues of working in car digital retailing in this new world. He’ll be covering how he has managed to even expand his business even during COVID.

What are some of the take aways?

Dealerships have handled this differently, those that have adapted to the ‘touchless’ environment have seen their business not largely affected on the back end. The common trait of these dealerships is that they are utilizing the co-navigation method of online retailing. Online can still be a friendly atmosphere and you still need people to reach out and engage the customer.

Leadership matters, you need buy in from the top down to make changes otherwise you will not see a change every happen in any significant way.

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