Company News

TradePending’s Trade Wins 2020 Dealer Satisfaction Award

We’re thrilled to share that awarded Trade, our website conversion and trade-in tool, the 2020 Dealer Satisfaction Award.

This is one of our favorite rewards to receive, if not THE favorite, because it’s based directly upon feedback from our customers. Their recognition continues to emphasize the fundamentals of a great trade-in tool, but also the bigger picture.

The fundamentals of a great trade-in tool

  • High website conversions
  • Mobile optimized
  • Customizable and configurable to match a dealer’s market reality and strategy
  • Builds a dealer’s brand and doesn’t compete with them for traffic and leads

The bigger picture of sourcing used car inventory

  • Sourcing used car inventory was a hot topic in 2020, a trend that continues into 2021. The supply chain was disrupted, and we hear rumblings that new car inventory may lag behind this year as well.
  • The dealers with processes and strategies in place to effectively source inventory from their customers will outperform their peers. Trade, aside from being a trade-in tool, provides numerous opportunities for strategic marketing campaigns around inventory sourcing.

Thanks again to our customers, and to