Company News

The Shiniest Balls in Automotive?

It’s Brice Englert, CEO of TradePending. With a new year, new budgets, and lots of shiny balls on display soon at NADA, it’s tempting to cancel any vendor to save a buck or two.


If you’re thinking you’ll be buying more cars, you’ll want TradePending

If you’re trying to get more people financed, quickly and easily, you’ll want TradePending

If you want to get more people in the door, that’s TradePending

If you want more revenue coming out of your service department, well, that’s TradePending too

We love our customers. We’re thankful for you. And we’re here to help if you’re looking to get more out of our relationship.

Talk to me. Talk to your Customer Success Manager. Email me and I’ll get you connected if you don’t know who he/she is.

Don’t get distracted by all those other shiny balls. Stay with (or come join!) TradePending and our shiny balls.

Visit Booth 3973W or 6913N at NADA