Company News

Badges Delivers 2-3X Website Engagement

Badges, our dynamic inventory merchandising solution, does two things very well:

  1. Provides talk tracks to sales and BDC teams to help build value and create urgency when working with consumers to find their next car.
  2. Showcases to consumers the features that dealers haven’t been able to effectively merchandise yet, making these consumers more engaged on the website.

In today’s post, we’ll explore this second topic more in-depth.

Marketing teams spend a lot of money to drive visitors to their websites. That money goes to TV, radio, print, paid search &  social, search engine marketing, email marketing, and everything else.  When people get there, you want them to stick around, and to do that, you need to provide them with valuable information.

Badges does just that, and we’ve got the data to back it up. We worked with numerous customers to evaluate their Google Analytics data, and share their anonymized results here.

Dealer 1 – People who click on Badges badge

  • Visit their website 334% more often (number of sessions per user, 7.17 vs 1.65), or 3 times more likely to return
  • View 55% more pages on their site each time they visit (pages / session, 4.19 vs 2.69)
  • Spend 144% more time on their site (avg session duration 9m 59s vs 4m 06s)

Dealer 2 – People who click on a Badges badge

  • Visit their website 358% more often (number of sessions per user, 7.98 vs 1.74), or 3.5 times more likely to return
  • View 33% more pages on their site each time they visit (pages / session, 4.46 vs 3.36)
  • Spend 125% more time on their site (avg session duration 9m 18s vs 4m 09s)

Dealer 3 – People who click on a Badges badge

  • Visit their website 248% more often (number of sessions per user, 6.47 vs 1.86), or 2.5 times more likely to return
  • View 25% more pages on their site each time they visit (pages / session, 4.76 vs 3.79)
  • Spend 75% more time on their site (avg session duration 8m 29s vs 4m 51s)

With website traffic being more valuable today than ever, Badges presents a new opportunity to significantly increase engagement with your visitors by moving the merchandising from the windshield to the website.

If you have inventory, you need Badges. Click here to schedule a demo with our team.

Click Here to Schedule a Demo of Badges